I enjoyed joining a wonderful wine webinar today. “Marketing Wine by the Glass to Women” was presented by Deborah Brenner of Women of the Vine, Marian Jansen op de Haar of Vines 57, Carin Oliver of Angelsmith and Jayne Portnoy of Napa Technology.
My top three takeaways from today’s webinar are:
#3 ~ Educate. Inform and educate your consumer. Women like recommendations and want information on wines and wine regions.
#2 ~ Preserve. The wines that is. A quality preservation system is vital to the success of a robust wine by the glass program.
and my top takeaway…
#1 ~ Empower. Empower women to make informed or adventurous wine choices. Cutesy wine labels may be fun for a book club get-together but women diners are more savvy and sophisticated than ever. Treat them as such and reap the rewards.
Are you looking to build your restaurant’s or venue’s Wine by the Glass Program? Please contact me at info@kimberlygraziano.com to set up a time to chat. Saluté! ~ Kim